Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Landed in Phoenix on my way back to NJ.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rainbow as I crossed Lake Washington on I90 on Friday afternoon, October 28th.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Made it to dorkbots-nyc

Monday, October 03, 2011

Just landed at Newark Liberty.

Made it to Denver on my way home!

Made it to Seattle-Tacoma Airport on my way home.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Doing laundry in North Pole, Alaska, before heading home on the redeye Monday morning.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On the Chena Riuer . . .

Monday, September 26, 2011

Made it to Htop

Made it to North Pole, Alaska.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Made it to Rough Woods Inn in Nenana.

Made it to Nenana. This is a coal-fired stove in my friend Mark's home. More to follow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bill and his motorcycle ... a story of sorts

Here are a couple of photos of Bill and his 3-wheel motorcycle and trailer rig, one with him and one without. Bill is an incredible human being and I count myself fortunate in the extreme to have him as one of my best friends. We are planning to enter this rig in the Fairbanks Golden Days Parade next year—in July of 2012. He'll drive the motorcycle and I'll ride on the power scooter on the trailer.

Who knows ... we might make it!

And yes, that is an oxygen hose hanging on his ears. He needs oxygen 24/7, and has for several years.

By the way, one of my greatest adventures was driving his Ford Econoline Van pulling another trailer, with that 3-wheel motorcycle on it, all the way from New Port Ritchey/St. Petersburg, Florida, (Tampa Bay) to North Pole, Alaska, in 2006.

From New Port Ritchey, Florida, to Maplewood, New Jersey.
From Maplewood, New Jersey, to Duluth, Minnesota.
From Duluth, Minnesota, to Fairbanks, Alaska.

Catching up a bit on my trip to Alaska: I arrived at my friend Bill's cabin in North Pole, Alaska, around 6 PM on Wednesday, September 21st.

At dialysis in Fairbanks.

Landed in Fairbanks yesterday around 4:15PM.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Onaoard Alaska Airlines Flight 123 To Fairbanks

View from N gates at Seatac.

Landed in Seattle on my way to Fairbanks.

Stuck at the gate with a fire detector problem in a bathroom.

Onboard Alaska 11 headed to Fairbanks via Seattle.

Boarding Alaska 11

At Newark Liberty Airport, all checked in to fly Alaska Airlines to Fairbanks, Alaska via Seattle.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I had a PSA blood test yesterday to make sure my prostate cancer stays in remission . . . to remind the other the other men in my life to get regular checkups over 40.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

At dialysis and trying to keep a visual online journal from this point no,

Worked on Eclectic Chaos IIA this morning

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Checking the feed from email to hglindquist blog

This is a test post sent as a message from my email account. I think I should take some time and coordinate my web presence ... we'll see.

With my constant companions

At Marriott Hotel, June 16, 2011

With my constant companions: coffee and computer ... at the Marriott Columbus Airport Hotel where I am attending the annual AEU National Assembly as a delegate. The Assembly was held from Thursday, June 16, to Sunday, June 20.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's happening medically ... and on the road with dialysis

I had dialysis in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, June 16th, while at the Annual AEU National Assembly where I was a delegate from Ethical Culture Society of Essex County.

My medical insurance—Medicare plus Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Medigap—allows me to travel throughout the United States and receive dialysis wherever it is available. My social worker at my "home" clinic arranges it for me. The company operating the clinic—Fresenius—also provides a travel service to help arrange trips for the patients using its clinics.

Before I went on dialysis I thought it would be more than I wanted to handle. Now it's a routine event in my life ... with ups and downs, of course ... but it's no where near as bad as I imagined it might be. And I am not tied down because of it. My ability to travel anywhere in the United States that has a dialysis clinic provides more than enough options for me.

I am now more limited by my afib with my heart than by my dialysis. And I have been to the hospital often enough that I am making friends with the staff at St. Barnabas in Livingston, NJ ... and most of my hospital trips are because of my heart ... and it has happened often enough that I no longer am afraid, I get irritated with the interruption ... and I have such an excellent set of doctors with great staffs that I actually look forward to visiting with them ...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Having arrived at Columbus Airport ... Ohio

Arrived at Columbus Airport in Columbus, Ohio, and waiting for the shuttle bus to take me to my hotel, the Marriott Columbus Airport Hotel.

Note: The traffic pattern for pickup of arriving passengers seems to be accessible, efficient, and easy to understand. We'll see how it goes on drop off for departure.

On board flight to Columbus Airport, Ohio, from Newark Liberty Airport, NJ

On board my flight, looking across the aisle of the commuter plane to the single empty seat. It was a 2 + 1 configuration, two seats on my side and one seat on the other side of the aisle.

It was a short flight, just over an hour. I don't think I can handle much more than that right now. By the end of the flight I was already beginning to feel uncomfortable ... my body having symptoms of restless legs syndrome.

At Newark Liberty Airport late afternoon Wednesday, June 15, 2011, headed to Columbus, OH for the weekend . . . starting Thursday . . . like tomorrow . . .

Friday, June 10, 2011

I am out of the the hospital and feeling great.

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Back in the hospital with afib . . . heart flutters. Went in ambulance from dialysis to the ER then up to the floor for overnight.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

It's Memorial Day and I am at Pier 88 at W 48th & 12th Ave on Manhattan to see the fleet.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The view looking out the door from my bed in Room 20 in the ER at St. Barnabas.

Back in the ER at St. Barnabas again! Nothing serious. They just couldn't get my vein to stop bleeding after dialysis today.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

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The group of stone posts along the yellow mark trail in the South Mountain Reservation.

Stone post in group me several along yellow mark trail in South Mountain Reservation.

Yellow trail mark on tree beside a reforestation project in the South Mountain Reservation.

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Sign at entrance to reforestation project area in the South Mountain Reservation.